DOFF Steam Cleaning Close Up

DOFF Steam Cleaning is one of the best ways to carefully remove the likes of grafitti from stonework.

Across Glasgow, sandstone buildings stand tall as a reminder of the great history and heritage of the city. But sadly, all too often, vandals will ignore this heritage. When this happens, graffiti cleaning services are required.

The problem of course is how to remove the graffiti paint without damaging the stonework. DOFF Steam Cleaning is one of the very best ways to carefully remove the vandalism paint WITHOUT damaging the stonework.

But hearing about the wonders of DOFF Steam Cleaning is one thing. Seeing it in action is something else entirely.

If you would like to know more about DOFF Steam Cleaning, click here >

If you would like to book Balmore Contracting to remove graffiti from your properties stonework please call our Glasgow head office on 0141 370 4038

cleaning sandstone using doff steam cleaning
Doff Steam Cleaning Stonework